Hi, this is perhaps the last post on this blog.. well at least till we're blessed with another travesty-deserving bête noire.
I'm sincerely uber-grateful to all those people who took the pains of going through the gargantuan text. The few that did so without any assassination threats would receive a special foulmouthed dhanyawad in due course of time.
Thank you so much for all the feedback, particularly those who wrote comments. As my blogger friends would know, there's no better compliment than a hilariously flattering comment endorsing your shit propped right below your shit for all to see. Comments that are evidently false and with no bearing to the blog in question will also be well received
My asshole friends who complimented the post and promised (on persuasion) to comment should do so soon, before I choose to employ my bazooka on their sorry asses.
Here, I'd like to thank those animals who were instrumental in the precipitation of the long process of bringing the blog to its out-of-beta form. So, here's a special bow, handshake and hug to Mephisto, Rajguru Morpheus (who practically did nothing), Lucifer and Lady Ninja for the time they spent ironing out so many typos in the betas and making suggestions. This one applies especially to the longish post right at the end.
Thank you Mephisto for all the help reorganizing the text. I've always admired your clarity of thought. You transformed the shit.
Thank you Lady Ninja for pointing out how hard it is for girls to be able to publicly accept that they appreciate this kind of humour..even those with tastes like yours...thanks.;)
Thank you Lucifer for putting things into perspective. You've taught me so much.
Thank you Rajguru Morpheus, for all the encouragement and support.
Also, a special thanks to KK who fixed my comp, which had decided to go poopy on the day of publishing.
Finally, a special acknowledgement to Samba (the creator of Brownie Snakeson) for all his awesome ideas and support. He gave me the confidence that I could actually spend so much of my time writing, instead of wasting it trying to study. A special superlong (bear)hug to you.
A gracias to all my wingies and hallies for putting up with my asinine behavior and still appearing to love me.. I love you all too.
Now, the blog is meant purely for entertainment purposes. Please read the disclaimer right at the end. Tushita, in case you do happen to read it, I hope you wouldn't be offended because, all said, you are a great dictator.. I mean teacher. Whatever course of action you choose to follow, I hope you understand that hurting you was not the intention, although laughing at you was. In case you are aggrieved by it, I would be deeply regretful.
But if it does disturb you Tushi, please remember that suicide is never the best option, although, also remember, suicide still is an option.
Thank you for everything and have a nice day.
PS: Special thanks would be in order to my family for all their undying support and encouragement to start writing again. I hope none of them ever stumbles upon this blog.
I am sure you dont want a comment on this post.
You have a natural talent for humor. One question-does what you write automatically become humorous, or do you take some time to think about how to make every line funny.
All three are great posts, and show the wide variety of your talents.
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